Could Percentage Deductibles Save a Badly Beaten Property Casualty Market?

homeowners insurance percentage deductible

This pivotal question probes whether the shift to percentage deductibles could revitalize a property casualty market suffering from severe strain. The answer hinges on multiple facets that influence the stability and attractiveness of the insurance market. Understanding Percentage Deductibles Percentage deductibles are calculated as a percentage of the insured value of the property, rather than a fixed dollar amount. For instance, if your home is insured for $300,000 and you have a 2% deductible, you would be responsible for $6,000 in the event of a claim. This approach is commonly…

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5.7 magnitude Utah earthquake places spotlight on insurance coverage

Utah earthquake - cracked road

The quake struck the state on Wednesday morning, knocking out power and shaking residents. The 5.7 magnitude Utah earthquake that struck on Wednesday morning has reminded residents and business owners of the importance of coverage. Around 55,000 people were left in the dark from power outages in the Salt Lake City Area. The magnitude of the Utah earthquake was reported by the US Geological Survey, and the power outage figures were released by Rocky Mountain Power. Local news reports shared that many people in the region were startled by the…

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Missouri earthquake insurance market is getting very shaky

Missouri earthquake insurance - US Flag, Missouri Flag, Jefferson National

The state D.O.I. published a new report showing the lack of high-magnitude tremor readiness. A new Missouri earthquake insurance report was recently published by the state’s Department of Insurance (D.O.I.), highlighting some troubling details about the market there. The “Earthquake Insurance Market Report” showed a lack of preparedness in the event of a large quake. The Missouri earthquake insurance report revealed some troubling facts about the readiness of the state’s market to recover if a high magnitude quake should occur. This is particularly worrying as the southeast of the state…

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Earthquake insurance rates head sky-high in parts of California

Earthquake insurance rates - Graph

As Californians rocked by the recent quakes seek coverage, they’re finding sky-high premiums. Across California, consumers have been watching earthquake insurance rates increasing. The reason is that the latest premiums calculations include forecasts of how large future quakes will be and where the worst ones will strike. This is terrible news for many people who were looking to renew or purchase policies. Current predictions suggest that about 250,000 current policyholders will experience increased earthquake insurance rates. Many of the property owners in Southern California may see their premiums increase by…

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Nevada earthquake insurance is rare despite state’s risk level

Nevada Earthquake Insurance - Earthquake Damage to Home

Seismic activity levels in the state would justify purchasing coverage, but most homeowners don’t. Nevada earthquake insurance has been placed in the spotlight following the tremors in California last week. Those quakes were felt in Las Vegas on Thursday and Friday. They are a reminder that the state is also affected by the seismic activity in the region. Still, despite the activity in the area and the risk of damage, coverage isn’t a common purchase. Following the quakes last week, it became clear to many home and business owners that…

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