The season is here to ensure you have the right RV insurance coverage

RV insurance - RV on road

Whether you have a travel trailer or motorhome, being properly covered is key Many recreational vehicle owners are getting revved up for some time on the road this summer, and as a part of this effort, it is important to make sure that RV insurance is a step that isn’t skipped. It’s not just a matter of having any coverage at all Whether you have a motorhome, trailer, camper, or have another name for your recreational vehicle, coverage is extremely important to ensuring that you are financially protected if it…

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Will Illinois auto insurance be more affordable with driving habit-based rates?

Auto Insurance - Illinois Sign on Road

A bill introduced in the state would require insurers to use a driving record to calculate premiums. A bill newly introduced in Illinois would change the way auto insurance companies calculate rates if it is passed in the state.  It would require insurers to use a policyholder’s individual driving records for their premiums calculations instead of looking to socioeconomic factors. House Bill 4611 aims to reduce what it calls discrimination House Bill 4611 was written to ban auto insurance companies from calculating an individual’s rate using criteria that the bill…

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A Curious Case of British Columbia’s Ban Amidst US Automation Optimism

Autonomous Car - BC Ban

While the United States gears up for a driverless future, with expectations set to see fully automated cars by 2025 and beyond, British Columbia takes a surprising detour. The province has instituted a new regulation, effectively banning the use of autonomous vehicles on its roads, raising eyebrows and prompting discussions over safety concerns and the future of the insurance industry. Autonomous Cars – A Green Light in the US, A Red One in BC The cutting-edge narrative of autonomous vehicles—heralded by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as…

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GEICO Offers New Discounts Amid Rising Auto Insurance Rates

Geico auto insurance new discount

In a bold move to capitalize on increasing auto insurance rates across states such as California, GEICO Corp., part of Warren Buffet’s empire, is offering an attractive discount initiative, the “Welcome Factor,” aimed at expanding its auto insurance business. GEICO’s Fresh Approach to Auto Insurance With the surge in insurance rates, many insurers are taking a step back from writing new policies. However, GEICO is actively inviting new clients by marketing a special discount for those who apply for personal auto insurance. The discount is designed to taper off gradually…

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