Birth control insurance challenge heard by US appeals court

Birth Control insurance

A lawmaker in Missouri is opposed to the coverage and is now fighting it with the Hobby Lobby. Missouri Rep. Paul Wieland (R-Imperial), and his wife, Teresa, are currently battling the regulation for birth control insurance in state sponsored health plans, and is hoping that the recent Hobby Lobby from the U.S. Supreme Court will provide him with what he needs to decrease the rejection of his legal challenge by the court to the mandate from the Affordable Care Act. Arguments were heard early this week by the 8th U.S.…

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Insurance industry campaigns to renew TRIA

terrorism insurance industry news 9/11 Memorial in 2004

Insurers are calling for the renewal of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act The insurance industry has mobilized to support U.S. legislation that would renew the federal backstop for terrorism risk insurance. The endeavor has received the support of more than 400 trade groups that represent various types of businesses. The industry is urging federal lawmakers to approve a legislation that could have a major impact on terrorism insurance throughout the country. Insurers note that the terrorist attacks on 9/11 have fundamentally changed the way they manage risks within the U.S.…

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Florida organizations receive funding to raise awareness of health insurance

Florida health insurance

Three organizations will use federal funding to raise awareness of insurance among consumers Three organizations in Florida are set to receive $7 million in funding to promote health insurance among the state’s residents. The state’s insurance exchange will hold a new open enrollment period beginning in November of this year. During this period, consumers will be able to enroll for insurance coverage, some of which can be subsidized by the federal government. Awareness is currently one of the greatest challenges facing the exchange and the organizations aim to resolve this…

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Usage based insurance boosts popularity by assuaging privacy concerns

usage based insurance auto car tracking gps

Both consumers and commercial fleets are increasingly embracing UBI programs and their tracking devices. Consumers and managers of commercial fleets, alike, are experiencing a shift in their opinions with regards to usage based insurance, as the benefits of being able to save money and encourage safer driving practices appear to be winning out over concerns with regards to privacy. These auto insurance programs have been slow to be accepted due to the telematics devices that track vehicles. Drivers are starting to discover that there are some considerable financial benefits that…

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Homeowners insurance program permits fire mitigation rebates

Colorado has a program in western Boulder County to help residents protect themselves against wildfires. A new program has now been created in western Boulder County, Colorado, that is designed to help homeowners insurance customers to be able to prepare for wildfires and keep themselves and their properties safe. Despite the fact that the fire season hasn’t been all that heavy, this year, the program is becoming quite popular. So far, the Wildfire Partners program has 500 participants, this year. Moreover, there are a number of other homeowners insurance customers…

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