Health insurance for employees is on the rise in Massachusetts

Health Insurance benefits

Employer sponsored coverage is becoming more common among workers within the state. According to the data in a recent report, the percentage of employees in Massachusetts who are opting to take part in their employer’s sponsored health insurance coverage instead of taking home a larger amount of pay has increased since 2006, when the state overhauled its medical coverage system. The report also suggested that the federal Affordable Care Act may replicate this same result. The share of employees who have health insurance through their employment increased from having been…

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Health insurance rate shock may be coming to the US

Health Insurance benefits

Health insurance costs spark worry among states Rate shock is becoming a common term in the U.S., especially in the world of insurance news. The term refers to a steep increase in insurance premiums, an increase that policyholders are both unprepared for and unable to accommodate. Rate shock is most often related to the issue of health insurance and the Affordable Care Act. The controversial federal law will take full effect in 2014, and U.S. insurers have been warning that rate shock may be one of the unintended consequences of…

Read More Urges Insurance buyers To Go For Appropriate Coverage Levels Online Health Insurance

On the occasion of its public launch startup recommends insurance buyers to select  fitting levels of coverage when going for a health plan. Startup leader Steven points out: “According to data, up 85% of Americans have some sort of health insurance. This is definitely not enough as it means that there are still some 50 million of uninsured Americans out there. But even among the insured, a large part discovers at some point that their coverage level will not really live up to their needs.” Thus, tries…

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Common Family Financial Problems and Their Solutions

Financial Tips

 Today’s financial worries hit home… The harsh economic realities of recent years have caused many families to  struggle financially. There are several areas in which a family can get into trouble. The following are 5 common areas of distress, and realistic solutions for each. Underwater Mortgage After the recent economic crisis, many families found themselves with an underwater mortgage. Basically, they owed more on their house than it was worth. The first step, especially if a homeowner wants to stay in the home, is to get the house reappraised. If…

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Affordable Care Act continues to generate controversy

Birth Control insurance

Affordable Care Act again draws attention from Supreme Court due to contraception provision Through the Affordable Care Act has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, the drama surrounding the federal health care reform tax penalty has yet to dissipate. Several states still stand in opposition to the Affordable Care Act, despite the ruling of the Supreme Court, which is creating significant tension in Congress. Now, the Supreme Court has returned to the controversy surrounding the Affordable Care Act with a new ruling on one of the law’s key provisions.…

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