Insurance industry jobs get a trendy makeover to appeal to millennials

best insurance workplace industry jobs

Iowa brokerage Holmes Murphy is taking aim at old stereotypes of dullness and daily tedium. The vice president of Iowa brokerage Holmes Murphy, Cameron Burt, is more than familiar with the reputation of dullness that is associated with insurance industry jobs, but at a time when it is becoming difficult to fill these positions, his firm is seeking to show the millennial generation that times have changed. The image of an insurance job doesn’t seem to have changed for two solid generations, losing all appeal. However, Burt and his firm…

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Life insurance companies now selling to HIV patients in US and Canada

HIV life insurance companies policy AIDS red ribbon

John Hancock in the United States and Manulife in Canada have both announced the lifting of the exclusion. On Friday, HIV patients received some good news from life insurance companies in the United States and Canada, as John Hancock Insurance and Manulife have both stated that they will be removing their exclusion for these patients. This is the second insurer in the U.S. to make this announcement and the first ever in Canada. On Friday, John Hancock Insurance said that it will be offering its policies to people who are…

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Will the global insurance industry save us from climate change?

global insurance industry - earth day plant growth

Earth Day turned a lot of heads toward the critical environmental issues we’re facing. The global insurance industry has stepped up and has shown that it was listening when scientists around the world made it clear that the top message they wanted to share on Earth Day 2016 was that the planet’s temperatures are rising. Regardless of whether people agree with the cause of the matter, it is happening in a measurable way. Why is the global insurance industry showing concern? For one thing, it’s made up of people who,…

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Massachusetts aims to overhaul its health insurance program, MassHealth

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State introduces plans to make changes to its troubled insurance program Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, along with other officials, has drafted new plans to overhaul the state’s Medicaid program, called MassHealth. This will be the largest overhaul that the program has seen in the past 20 years, marking a significant shift in the health insurance space and potentially ensuring that more consumers will have access to the coverage that they need. MassHealth currently provides coverage to some 1.8 million low-income people throughout the states and represents that majority of the…

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$32 million in funding coming to the Children’s Health Insurance Program

CHIP Health Insurance for Children

Federal agency announced more funding for CHIP to ensure children have the coverage they need The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has announced that it will be providing $32 million in funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The program has been lacking funding in recent years, which has raised concerns that many children may lose the insurance coverage that they are using currently. The program was established nearly 20 years ago as a way to ensure that children of low-income families would be able to receive the…

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