Federal agency announced more funding for CHIP to ensure children have the coverage they need
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has announced that it will be providing $32 million in funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The program has been lacking funding in recent years, which has raised concerns that many children may lose the insurance coverage that they are using currently. The program was established nearly 20 years ago as a way to ensure that children of low-income families would be able to receive the coverage that they needed without families having to face major costs.
Funds will help raise awareness regarding CHIP and help families enroll in insurance programs
The funds provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services will be used to inform families of CHIP plans. An increase in awareness may ensure that more children will receive health insurance coverage through the program and through Medicaid. The funding will also be used to assist families that are trying to apply for coverage through both CHIP and Medicaid and help identify who is eligible for these programs in the future.
Arizona continues to struggle with its KidsCare program
While the federal government is providing more funding for CHIP, some states have yet to embrace the program as a way to provide insurance coverage to children. This is the case in Arizona, which had once had its own health insurance plan designed to help children of low-income families. Called KidsCare, the program was allowed to lapse in the past, but renewing the program could benefit as many as 30,000 children in the state if restored. Families may also benefit if the state chooses to expand its Medicaid program.
KidsCare currently covers less than 1,000 children in Arizona
When Arizona encountered financial troubles in 2010, it froze funding to the KidsCare program. Currently, the program is still operating, but is only offering coverage to less than 1,000 children in the state. Before the program’s funding was frozen, however, it was able to offer health insurance coverage to some 63,000 children throughout the state.