Riders who are looking to save money have spotted a fantastic way to reduce their premiums. Finding the best motorcycle insurance discounts can be one of the best ways to save money. That said, some provide a greater savings than others. The majority of states require riders to carry a certain amount of coverage. That can be very affordable or quite expensive depending on the individual, where they live and the bike being insured. Riders are now finding that anti-theft devices are proving to be a fantastic investment in insurance…
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Motorcycle helmet sales see healthy growth worldwide
A new report has shown a global CAGR of more than 6 percent throughout the length of this year. A recently released report has shown a rise in motorcycle helmet sales this year. In fact, the predicted compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is 6 percent. The growth in helmet sales is being driven by the increasing number of head injuries from crashes. That said, manufacturers are trying to boost the appeal for riders through both function and fashion. It’s all well and good to offer a motorcycle helmet that provides…
Read MoreThe season of motorcycle insurance and safety awareness has now begun
Now that the snow is gone and the warm weather is here, motorcycle insurance is a serious consideration. With the start of the warm weather, the season for awareness about motorcycle insurance and safe riding has begun, with the support of federal, state, and local law enforcement, highway safety, and enthusiast organizations. The month of May has now been called “Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month,” as it marks the official riding season. Its goal is to educate riders and spread awareness of how important it is to take proper safety measures…
Read MoreThe right choices mean consumers can save more money on motorcycle insurance
Motorcycle owners who aren’t ready to give up their vehicles over the price of insurance premiums are coming up with some effective ways to save money and yet still maintain the level of coverage that they need. The first step is to make certain that the opportunity for theft or vandalizing of the motorcycle is reduced. When you buy a bike, make sure that you have a place to store it. Since they don’t require that much space, a small portion of your garage, or even a shed will usually…
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