How to get an insurance job that will turn into a great career

Insurance Job - opportunities

With the expiry of the COVID-19 unemployment benefits, many people are getting a fresh start. When you think of an insurance job, the first thing that comes to mind is likely an agent or a salesperson, but insurers need far more than that in order to operate. Most insurers offer career tracks suiting a range of different types of skillsets and goals. Understanding the different types of insurance job opportunities can help you to better know how to prepare for a career in this industry. Careers can involve a spectrum…

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Here’s Why Your Carrier Needs to Adopt a Greenfield Approach Today

Over the past decade, insurance companies have begun modernizing their core systems and digital capabilities in response to the growing demand for services delivered over the internet. With more customers looking for convenient online options to purchase policies, make claims, and pay insurance bills, insurance carriers must accelerate their digital transformation initiatives. This move enables carriers to deliver life insurance innovation solutions that effectively cater to modern customers’ needs.  To successfully implement a digital-first strategy, insurance companies must adopt a greenfield software development approach. The greenfield approach is the process…

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Everything You Need to Know About MCS-90

The average person will probably not know what MCS-90 is, even if they already know a bit about insurance. That is because MCS-90 is a clause that only applies to individuals who are in the commercial trucking industry. The other category of person who knows what it is will probably be those who work within the commercial trucking insurance industry. MCS-90 is more critical than some people think, and it’s helpful to know about it, even if you’re not in the commercial trucking or insurance industries. That’s because if a…

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Choosing an Insurance Agency

Insurance is something most people forget about until they are in a situation where they really need it. But, being insured is crucial to help protect the valuable things in your life. Some insurance is a necessity, such as personal auto insurance. However, insurance for other belongings such as jewelry and home contents is often overlooked. One thing that puts many people off becoming insured is not knowing what insurance they need and how to get the best deal. This is why using an insurance agency such as Barouh Insurance…

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Systemic pandemic risk is too much for insurance industry capacity, says Generali CEO

Systemic Pandemic Risk - EU mask

Philippe Donnet said that insurers must make changes to create more protection. The European insurance industry is not equipped with the necessary capacity to handle the systemic pandemic risk, said Philippe Donnet, Generali insurance company CEO. The Italian insurer’s chief says that considerable additional protection must be implemented. According to Donnet, in order to equip the insurance industry with what it needs to manage systemic pandemic risk, additional protection must come in the form of private-public partnerships. The Generali CEO made this statement during an online Politico interview cited by…

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