Auto insurance companies consider them to be a higher risk than those living on their own. Millennial motorists who still live at home with their parents pay higher car insurance rates than their counterparts who don’t, say the results of a new study. Millennials who own houses or condos tend to pay notably less for their auto insurance coverage. The higher car insurance premiums study was conducted by It determined that millennials who live with their parents pay considerably higher car insurance premiums than their home owning counterparts. In…
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Auto insurance cost drops following crackdown on fraud
The price associated with covering a car has rapidly fallen since the new efforts went into effect. In the United Kingdom, the cost of auto insurance is dropping rapidly following a fraud and claim management company crackdown that has been very effective in shrinking the problem. According to recent data, the average annual comprehensive coverage quote has plummeted. The AA, over the past year, there has been a reduction in the size of comprehensive auto insurance quotes by approximately 10 percent. This is the largest decrease that has been recorded…
Read MoreAuto insurance costs fell only in California
According to data from the Consumer Federation of America, that is the only state where this occurred. According to the latest data from the United States, California is the only state in the country where auto insurance costs have been decreasing over the last two decades that ended in 2010. This data was collected and analyzed by a consumer group that attributed the decline to a state law. The Consumer Federation of America is attributed the decreasing cost of auto insurance in California to a law that was passed in…
Read MoreAuto insurance customers in some cities pay more
The five most expensive municipalities have been identified for drivers’ premiums. Owning and maintaining a vehicle can have a lot of cost associated with it, especially when you include the cost of auto insurance premiums and other upkeep and legally required expenses. Even good drivers can face higher premiums based on their location. A recent study has identified the leading five cities in which car ownership can be the most expensive as a result of the increased auto insurance costs. The results of this study were recently released to allow…
Read MoreAuto insurance for electric cars has certain additional implications
Being eco friendly also means that you need to understand your coverage. After many struggles over several decades, the electric car is finally starting to get some mainstream attention, but many would-be drivers are still finding that the cost of auto insurance is holding them back from purchasing the vehicles that they would like to drive. The cost of insuring these vehicles – which are already on the pricy side – is presenting a setback. Though slow progress is being made in the introduction of electric cars as people…
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