If you’re hosting a celebration to ring in the new year, take these precautions to prevent disaster.
We’d all like to enjoy a safe New Year’s Eve, but when lots of celebrating mix with lots of alcohol, it can increase several potential risks. Therefore, if you’re hosting this year, it’s a good idea to take a few easy, affordable and effective precautions to keep your guests and your possession safe.
As host, it’s your responsibility to do what you can to keep all your guests safe for the celebration.
When you’re celebrating at home, a safe New Year’s Eve becomes your responsibility. It’s up to you to make sure the celebration is held responsibly and that reasonable precautions are taken to be sure everyone remains unharmed and everything remains undamaged.
After all, nobody wants their celebrations to be ruined with an injury or expensive damage that could lead to an insurance claim. Instead, start 2019 in style but without causing harm with some handy tips on your side.
Use these tips to make sure you have a safe New Year’s Eve party at home to start 2019.
• Be a Savvy Bartender – As host of a New Year’s Eve party, it’s important to understand your liquor liability. While it’s fun to toast with a glass of bubbly once the ball drops, many states and/or municipalities make the host responsible for any guests who leave a party after drinking and get behind the wheel. Drunk driving places your guest and other road users at risk. In many places, you could be responsible for any damage or injuries caused by a drunk driver who was drinking at your party. Have a plan in place in case one of your guests has too much to drink and intends to drive. As the bartender, you shouldn’t have too much to drink as you need to remain in control the whole time.
• Serve Lots of Food – Make sure that snacks are available the entire time you’re serving alcohol. Be certain to have lots of non-alcoholic drinks available, too. That way, you’ll help to keep your guests sober even if everyone is staying up until midnight. The longer your guests go without having too much to drink, the less likely the odds of property damage, injury, or an attempt to drive drunk.
• Limit Your Guest List – Keep your guest limited to people you know. Strangers have a lower likelihood of respecting your rules or even your property. They will also be more difficult to talk to and reason with if they have too much to drink.
• Encourage Designated Drivers – Encourage your guests to choose a designated driver before they arrive. If one hasn’t been designated in advance, have a backup plan for your guests such as cab numbers, Uber, Lyft or other forms of transportation in your area. Alternately have a plan for people who need to stay the night.
• Skip the Fireworks – If you want to see fireworks, head to a professional display. Fireworks and alcohol don’t mix. They’re one of the leading causes of injury and fire on this holiday each year. Give yourself and your guests a safe New Year’s Eve by skipping the fireworks at home.