Arkansas teams with HHS to expand private health insurance exchanges

Arkansas Health Insurance

Health insurance continues to cause controversy in the US Health care reform continues to be a controversial topic throughout the U.S. Many states have chosen to oppose the federal Affordable Care Act, despite the law being upheld by the Supreme Court in 2012. While some states oppose the law as a whole, many others oppose only specific provisions of the law, which has lead some political leaders to take innovative action on the matter in order to ensure that the law is able to provide the benefits to consumers as…

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Health insurance exchange in Connecticut is moving forward

Connecticut health Insurance

The healthcare reforms in the state are now well under way, making it one of the furthest along. Connecticut has been one of the states that is moving forward with its health insurance marketplace at the fastest race, allowing it to take one of the lead positions in preparing to enroll residents in October through the new online exchange. Though the state’s efforts are progressing well, it has learned that there are some challenges with being first. The team at the state’s health insurance exchange – a quasi-public marketplace –…

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Health insurance exchange in Minnesota moves one step closer to reality

Minnesota Health Insurance

Lawmakers in Minnesota continue to wrestle with health insurance exchange initiative With the Affordable Care Act looming, lawmakers in Minnesota continue to wrestle with the issue of a state-run health insurance exchange. Those that support the federal health care law argue that it will lead to a dramatic decrease in the costs of health insurance throughout the state, especially if Minnesota decides to operate its own health insurance exchange. Opponents of the law argue that the federal government is overstepping its boundaries. This week, those supporting a state-run health insurance…

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Privilege of Buying Medicare Supplement Plans at Lower Rates in Utah

Medicare Enrollment 2011

Utah is one of the few states in the country where you get Medicare supplement plans at much lower costs. There are many reasons why the Medicare plans are less expensive in the states like Utah, Colorado and Nevada even though they have big cities like Salt Lake City, Denver and Las Vegas, in them. One of the most prominent reasons is that these states are healthier states. When you compare the Medicare supplement plans in Utah with other states you will see that they are less expensive. There are…

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New health insurance rule to go into effect in the US

Health Insurance regulation

New rule targeting health insurance being introduced January 1, 2014, is rapidly approaching, and that means that the Affordable Care Act is on the verge of becoming fully enacted. This also means that health insurance companies throughout the U.S. are scrambling to make sure they comply with the federal law. This has proven very difficult, however, due to the fact that the federal government continues to change many of the provisions of the law. The government continues to issue new rules concerning the Affordable Care Act that require health insurance…

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