Insurance news made by worker benefits study

health insurance confusion

Research shows that 89 percent of employees select the same coverage options every year. According to the results of a recent survey which are making insurance news, 54 percent of workers in the United States would opt not to gain greater control over their health plan options because they feel overwhelmed by the requirement to make this type of decision. The survey was conducted online with the participation of thousands of decision makers and workers. This was the third annual Aflac WorkForces Report and it has been making insurance news…

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Health insurance shows 84 million Americans uninsured or underinsured for a span of 2012

health insurance uninsured and underinsured survey

The survey revealed that there was a very large group that spent part of last year without coverage. According to research conducted by the Commonwealth Fund, there were 84 million people – that is, almost half of all American adults of working age – who either went insured for a span of time in 2012, or who had to pay medical costs that were so great that they were considered to be underinsured. The survey also discovered that the coverage level increased among young adults from 2010 to 2012. The…

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Health insurance being extended to those with addiction problems

health addiction insurance

New rule offers health insurance coverage to addicts In the ongoing effort to expand health insurance coverage in the U.S., a new rule has been introduced to the Affordable Care Act. The rule is designed make some 3 million people with drug and alcohol addiction problems eligible for health insurance coverage. While addiction has been considered a medical issue for the past 60 years, only a fraction of the money spent in health care in the U.S. goes toward providing medical care for those struggling with addiction. Coverage being expanded…

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Health insurance tax sparks more controversial around federal law

Health insurance rates

New health insurance tax could make coverage more expensive throughout US The Affordable Care Act has served as a divisive legislation throughout the U.S. since its introduction in 2010. In 2012, the law was upheld by the Supreme Court after months of strong opposition from several states. The Obama administration heralds the law as a new era for health insurance throughout the country, with the law’s provisions designed to make coverage more affordable to a broader spectrum of people. As the law inches closer to becoming fully enacted on January…

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Insurance news made by the goodwill of the internet community for bomb victim

Insurance News

An uninsured hero from the bombing in Boston has had his story go viral and people want to help. The story of a man who lost both of his legs in the bombing at the Boston Marathon has started making insurance news, as the world discovered that despite his injuries, he was a part of the identification of the attackers. The man’s name is Jeff Bauman, who is uninsured and who helped to I.D. the bombers. The insurance news story went viral very quickly and the internet community responded with…

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