The federal government’s shorter end to the open enrollment period cuts off registrations for 2018 today. Americans across the country are being reminded that if they want to enroll before the health insurance deadline for 2018 coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), they need to register today. Officials and ACA supporters are reminding people that if they want a health plan, they must enroll by tonight. State insurance departments are encouraging Americans to act with haste if they don’t want to miss the health insurance deadline for enrolling in…
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Colorado health insurance registrations up 29 percent over last year’s enrollment
State residents are steadily continuing to sign up for their coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Colorado health insurance enrollment is performing considerably better than it was at this time in 2016. Despite a temporary slow down near the end of November, the Affordable Care Act in the state is still seeing far more registrations than had been the case last year. Even with the slowing, the enrollment pace is still significantly faster than was seen in 2016. According to Colorado health insurance data from November, almost 44,000 state residents…
Read MoreOver one million health insurance enrollments in first week of
Officials from the Obama Administration have now released some data from the start of open enrollment. Recently, the Obama administration released the announcement about the first week of open enrollment for health insurance shopping on the federal exchange website, and revealed that over one million people across the country had already submitted their applications within the very first week. Among those who had submitted their applications under the Affordable Care Act, 45 percent had chosen plans. Nearly half of the applications received during the first week on the website…
Read MoreHealth care reform enrollments met January targets
Last month represented the first time since the exchanges opened in October that signups met expectations. It is no secret that the health care reform had a rocky start, but now that the numbers are in for January, the success of the insurance exchanges seems to be picking up as the number of people who have enrolled is now finally meeting the targets that have been set by officials. The federal and state exchanges have now brought coverage to a total of about 3.3 million Americans. Across the United States,…
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