Auto insurance survey sheds light on distracted driving

auto insurance

New Jersey auto insurance influenced by distracted drivers Plymouth Rock Assurance, an auto insurance organization based in New Jersey, has released the results of a new survey concerning distracted driving. The survey suggests that texting while driving remains a significant problem in New Jersey.  Though not implied by the survey, this problem could be contributing to the rising costs of auto insurance. Distractions are taken very seriously by the auto insurance sector, and any distraction could be justifiable cause to raise premiums due to the inherent risks they represent. Many…

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Auto insurance frustration spawns new legislation in Connecticut

connecticut auto insurance

Lawmakers continue to grow frustrated over lack of compliance with auto insurance laws Connecticut lawmakers have been expressing frustration when it comes to the state’s ban on talking and texting on mobile devices while driving. The law is meant to cut down on activities that could distract drivers and cause accidents, but many drivers have chosen to ignore the law entirely. This has caused lawmakers to consider a more aggressive approach on the matter by highlighting the financial aspects of car accidents. Legislators believe that the prospect of higher auto…

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Louisiana home to most expensive auto insurance coverage in the US

Louisiana Auto Insurance rates

Survey shows Louisiana leads in terms of auto insurance costs, an online insurance marketplace, has released its latest annual survey concerning the average cost of auto insurance throughout the U.S. The survey highlights the cost of auto insurance rates in all states, showing how much consumers can expect to pay to cover their vehicles. This year, the survey shows that Louisiana is at the top of the list of states where auto insurance coverage is most expensive. Maine is the state with the lowest average auto insurance coverage rates.…

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Progressive brings a new take on auto insurance and savings

Auto Insurance Savings

Progressive continues to generate hype for its Snapshot device Progressive Insurance has been making waves in the world of insurance news with its in-car device that helps calculate the cost of auto insurance policies. In 2011, Progressive introduce an ambitious new auto insurance scheme that provided drivers with a way to save money on their coverage by providing the company with detailed data concerning their vehicles and driving habits. This is accomplished through a device called Snapshot, which can be installed in any vehicle manufactured after the year 1996. Device…

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Alabama auto insurance law cracks down on uninsured drivers

Proof of Auto Insurance

New auto insurance regulation may make Alabama roads safer In Alabama, a new auto insurance regulation is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2013, which will institute a new system that will make it more difficult for drivers without insurance coverage to be on the road. The new system is expected to crack down on the 900,000 vehicles registered in the state that do not have any kind of auto insurance coverage. According to state law, drivers must maintain liability insurance coverage, but Alabama has been struggling to make sure…

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