Coverage was withdrawn from the director’s latest movie project when the actor was brought in as the lead.
When Roman Coppola sought to take out film insurance for his next directorial project, which is a movie called “A Glimpse Inside The Mind Of Charles Swan III”, he found himself denied the coverage he required when he revealed that Charlie Sheen had been cast as the lead.
Sheen’s history of drama, destruction, and firings caused the insurer to balk at providing coverage.
Sheen has been a part of certain highly publicized events such as his firing from television sitcom hit, Two and a Half Men, in March 2011, followed by a breakdown covered extensively by the media, starting when he trashed a New York hotel room. Film insurance seemed too risky for the insurer, when it took into consideration the downward spiral that Sheen had experienced over the numerous weeks that followed his job loss on the sitcom.
This has made him highly unpredictable to film insurance companies who don’t find covering him appealing.
The public watched on as Sheen embarked on a comedy tour across the United States and Canada, in which he made a number of odd public appearances and took on unpredictable and strange behaviors. It is this tendency and history that has caused financial backers and film insurance companies to hesitate to provide their support for the upcoming comedy that Coppola has taken on, once it was determined that Sheen would be central to the project.
However, Coppola has refused to let the lack of film insurance coverage stop him from hiring a friend whom he has known since they met in 1979 on the set of Apocalypse Now, a move directed by his father, Francis Ford Coppola.
Roman Coppola explained that when a friendship begins at the age of 12 years, it stands strong. “Still, it took some time for him to commit to me during all that public stuff. I just hung in there and kept, you know, not letting him off the hook, frankly. A lot of people didn’t think I was making a good judgment. But when he said, ‘I will be there for you,’ that was all I needed.”
Since all of the drama, Sheen has turned his life back into a positive direction and Coppola has refused to listen to critics, such as the film insurance companies. The director stated that they weren’t able to either insure or bond the movie, and they ran into other issues, as well, but he would not allow those problems to stop the project.