Producers face significant challenges and depend on the stability of the coverage.
Crop insurance is a coverage growers rely upon as a form of safety net to keep their farms – and the families they support – alive.
The policies help farmer to continue to keep their businesses intact despite growing challenges.
The coverage helps farmers – including those whose families have been farming for generations – to rely on added stability to ensure their businesses can continue.
“We couldn’t make it without crop insurance. I mean, we put so much money into the crop that we can’t afford to miss a crop. Or not to have a safety net if we do,” said third-generation grower from Clarksdale, Mississippi, Scott Flowers, as quoted in a recent SFN Today article.
“I’m a fourth-generation farmer here. It’s in my blood and never want to do anything else. We use crop insurance for the fact that if something bad happens, we don’t want to lose our livelihood, not being smart enough to take a little crop insurance out,” added Jim Carroll in the same report. Carroll is a farmer from Arkansas who has had to manage a spectrum of unexpected disasters and who has relied on the coverage.
Crop insurance has allowed growers to face the risks associated with planting their fields.
“To have a safety net, if you will, that allows us to go out and take that risk that we’re going to be able to make a crop. That’s one of the only ways we can do it is to it’s to know that if Mother Nature throws us a big curveball, we may have something, some way to stay in business and keep our community and our all our employees going forward to another year,” said Matthew Marsh from England, Arkansas. Marsh views the coverage as helpful to his family’s operation as well as for supporting local employment and the local economy as a whole.
The reason, said the article, is that many local economies are reliant on farming and thrive as long as the growers are doing well, which explains why the support and safety of crop insurance is appreciated by many growers.