Proposed budgets makes cuts to the state’s Medicaid program
Proposed cuts to Connecticut’s Medicaid program could mean that many people will lose their health insurance coverage. Governor Dannel Malloy has proposed the state’s budget for 2016-2017, which includes changes to Medicaid’s eligibility. The changes would specifically affect the state’s HUSKY A insurance plan, which covers approximately 34,000 people throughout the state. According to an analysis from the Connecticut Health Foundation, the proposed changes would cause many people to drop their health insurance coverage.
Families may lose their Medicaid eligibility due to proposed cuts in the state’s budget
The Governor’s proposed budget would eliminate HUSKY altogether for parents who have children enrolled in the income and make a median household income of $28,000 to $40,000 a year. Pregnant women with have a household income of $28,000 to $52,000 would also not be eligible for this health insurance coverage. Those that become ineligible for the state’s Medicaid program may find health insurance coverage through the state’s exchange, but many may not be able to afford this coverage.
Analysis shows that the state’s health insurance exchange may be an expensive alternative to Medicaid
According to the analysis from the Connecticut Health Foundation, some people may be able to take advantage of the state’s health insurance exchange, which offers subsidies provided by the federal government in order to offset the cost of coverage. The problem, however, is that this coverage is growing more expensive. The organization estimates that consumers seeking coverage through the exchange could see their costs rise as much as $1,900 a year. Policies that those ineligible for Medicaid receive could also be less comprehensive than the coverage they found through the state’s health insurance program.
Lack of coverage could become a problem in the state
The co-pays and deductibles associated with policies sold through the state’s exchange may be too expensive for consumers to manage. As such, they are likely to drop their coverage for the sake of their own finances. If Connecticut opts to make these changes, he uninsured population could rise and create some problems for the state’s endeavors to ensure more people have the coverage that they need.