Hartville Group launches new plans for expanded pet insurance coverage

Pet InsuranceThe Hartville Group, Inc., when considered with Petsmarketing Insurance.com Agency, Inc., its subsidiary, is among the oldest and the biggest insurers of pets in the United States, and it has just revealed that it will be expanding the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Pet Health Insurance coverage.

It will now be providing its policyholders with a 90 percent reimbursement for veterinary costs and for congenital and hereditary conditions that are included in its coverage, and it will offer higher limits per incident, among other improvements.

The new policies were revealed for the first time at the 2012 North American Veterinary Conference (NVAC) which occurred this week in Orlando, Florida. The unveiling was an element of Hartville’s overall effort to connect with the veterinary community as a whole with regards to the benefits and value of pet health insurance.

These new pet insurance plans will become available across the country. That said, some states will take longer than others to offer the plans due to pending approval from the Department of Insurance in those states.

Hartvale has been an insurer for house pets in the United States since 1997 by way of its own agency, and is the ASPCA’s single strategic pet insurance partner. In this partnership, Hartville offers the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance program, which was created to assist pet owners in being able to afford the best care for their pets, while maintaining the humane treatment standards set by the ASPCA for animal care.

For more information on pet insurance as well as tips and rates.

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