Oil insurance fund to be created in India for Iranian imports

oil insurance news

The money reserved will be used to cover the refineries that are processing crude from the Middle Eastern nation. India has announced that it is going to try to solve its own oil insurance problems by creating a fund that will be worth approximately $364 million (20 billion rupees) to provide coverage for the refiners that will be using Iranian crude. The crude from Iran is subject to sanctions from the West, such as the European Union, that has banned coverage. The E.U. has placed a ban on providing oil…

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Oil insurance fund to be established in India for Iranian crude

oil insurance news

A new program is being designed to provide Indian refiners with the coverage that they require. India has now revealed that it has intentions to establish a special fund in order to give refineries the opportunity to obtain oil insurance coverage after reinsurers from the European Union refused to provide protection for units that process crude from Iranian sources. The country’s own insurers have refused coverage to the refiners as they could not obtain reinsurance. The reason is that the oil insurance companies within India were not able to obtain…

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Insurance news for BP grants them access to payments for 2010 oil spill

insurance news Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill 2010

The company won a ruling in appeals court that will provide it with a payment of $750 million. BP has just won a ruling in an appeals court that is making insurance news, as it has provided it with Transocean Ltd. coverage payments worth $750 million in order to cover costs from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. The U.S. Court of Appeals reversed a previous decision that had been made on the case. The ruling that had previously denied access to the funds to BP…

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Insurance news from India ensures Iran crude coverage

india news iran crude oil insurance

Indian refiners that are running Iranian oil will be able to cover themselves through the government. The Indian government made insurance news on Wednesday that refiners will be able to find coverage for plants that are running crude that was sourced in Iran, helping to assuage some of the concerns that imports made from that Middle Eastern country would need to cease. The worry has been based on the sanctions that have been applied to coverage of Iran’s crude. Hindustan Petroleum Corp, a refiner run by the state in India,…

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Insurance news from Iran shows crude exports rising

Iran Oil Insurance industry News

Despite Western sanctions there has been an increase of approximately 70,000 barrels per day (bpd). The October insurance news out of Iran has shown that even though the American and European Union sanctions are still in place against covering oil exports from Iran, their exports still increased by about 70,000 barrels per day, reaching 2.7 million bpd that month. This shows that the Western bans are not having the intended impact on the country. Over the two previous months, the Iranian crude exports spiked to 1.3 million bpd from having…

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