The hardship exemption is designed to put a delay in place for tax penalties for lack of coverage. At the very last minute, the Obama administration has announced that it would be opening up a loophole to the healthcare law that will provide some Americans with an exemption to tax penalties for lack of health insurance coverage if they had previously had a plan which was then cancelled because it did not meet the minimum benefit requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The opposition has taken the opportunity to state…
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Health insurance policy losses lead to Obama apology
The president stated that “I’m sorry” that Americans are losing their coverage. Despite reported claims that the president made, promising that Americans would not be losing their existing health insurance plans under the new healthcare reforms, many have indeed lost their coverage, leading Obama to apologize for this occurrence. Though he did not apologize for having made the promise, he did say that he was sorry that this is occurring. The president spoke on the subject, saying that “I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based…
Read MoreHealth insurance exchange launch day was a rough one, to say the least
The opening day for the online marketplaces faced tremendous struggles with a closed government and web traffic jams. What was meant to be a smooth transition into the next phase of the healthcare reforms was a constant battle for the health insurance exchanges which went on to open despite the shutdown of the U.S. government, only to face technical glitches preventing access to many of those who wanted to take part. Web traffic snarls and glitches in websites stopped many Americans from using the exchanges on the first day. The…
Read MoreHealth insurance major requirement delayed by Obama
The president has unexpectedly announced a delay to the law requiring many businesses to offer coverage. President Obama shocked the nation with an announcement that was made in a significant concession to business groups, as the administration allowed for a delay in one of the central health insurance components of the healthcare law. This change was to a deadline for one of the components at the heart of the healthcare reform law. Now, many businesses that would have been required to offer health insurance to their employees as of January…
Read MoreHealth insurance vows by Romney will make notable changes to the system
Millions of Americans with pre-existing medical conditions are asking if they will lose their protection. In the heated debates over health insurance, that have only become more intense as the election draws nearer, Mitt Romney has expressed his intention to extend continued coverage to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. The presidential nominee for the Republican party has said that those switching jobs will have their coverage shielded. Those who are changing jobs will have their health insurance coverage protected. What has yet to be seen from Romney’s plans is what…
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