The regulator blames the chief exec for waiting three months to notify him of June 22 arrest. North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey has called for the Blue Cross NC CEO to resign. Causey cited the failure of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina’s chief executive officer to inform Causey that the CEO had been arrested on June 22. The CEO was allegedly arrested on June 22 for a traffic accident related to alcohol use. Causey also said the Blue Cross NC board was at fault for…
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NC insurance commissioner bans move-ins in unsafe university residence
The newly constructed University of North Carolina at Asheville residence halls were found unsafe. The NC insurance commissioner has banned students from being able to move into their residences at the University of North Carolina Asheville. Five newly constructed residence halls are deemed unsafe. The buildings were found to have issues that could pose safety and life concerns to residents. “As insurance commissioner, safety is my top priority,” said NC insurance commissioner Mike Causey. “I will not allow anyone to live in a building that may pose a threat to…
Read MoreNorth Carolina homeowners insurance rate hike paused for now
The NC insurance commissioner declined the price increase for the moment, but the halt is temporary. A recent request for a North Carolina homeowners insurance rate hike has been declined. This saves state residents from having to pay an average of 18.7 percent more for their home coverage. That said, the reprieve from the increased prices is only a temporary one as the rates will eventually rise. In the state, its commissioner must approve any North Carolina homeowners insurance rate changes. Though the industry requested the rate hike, it was…
Read MoreNorth Carolina home insurance rates could rise by over 25 percent
Insurers in the state are seeking a massive average increase to follow large hikes over recent years. If the proposals of insurers of the state are accepted, the North Carolina home insurance rates could increase by an average of 25.3 percent, representing yet another major spike in the amount that residents will need to pay in order to maintain their coverage. The amount that is being sought in terms of increases varies from one region of the state to the next. For example, the changes requested for the rates of…
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