Insurers pulling out of markets in the wake of natural disasters

The natural disaster rate climbs as industry reevaluates high risk areas. Natural disasters seem to be happening more regularly, a fact that the global insurance industry is becoming uncomfortable with. In terms of insurance, powerful storms and weather-related catastrophes are becoming more commonplace. As such, insurers are feeling the pressure of increased liability and the potential for steep financial losses in the wake of a catastrophic event. There is a strange trend gaining momentum in the industry today, which is spurred by the severity of recent natural disasters. Insurance markets…

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China to strengthen regulations for growing insurance industry

Major changes for China insurance industry. The insurance industry in China is growing at a rapid rate. The country recently opened up its borders to foreign insurers looking to expand into new markets and this initiative has been quite successful. As more insurance companies enter the Chinese market, however, regulators are growing concerned over their ability to comply with the country’s laws and expectations. These concerns have grown too large to ignore any longer and the China Regulatory Commission has announced that it will be strengthening the supervision of the…

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Missouri Senate overturns Governor Nixon veto on worker’s compensation changes

The Missouri Senate has overridden a veto from Governor Jay Nixon concerning the states worker’s compensation laws. Governor Nixon had vetoed a bill last month that would have imposed bans on some lawsuits regarding workplace injuries. The Senate voted to overturn this veto with a 24-9 vote, claiming that the ban would cause significant legal problems throughout the state. After overriding the veto from Governor Nixon, state legislators passed a bill that would stop employees from suing their co-workers for injuries they receive whilst working. This is not the only…

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MasterCard and Visa warn of massive security breach, insurers highlighting the need for cyber security

Financial giant MasterCard has announced that there may have been a breach in its security systems this week. The potential breach is linked to a third-party vendor based in the United States. MasterCard has contacted banks and law enforcement to mitigate the problems caused by the security breach and has also elicited the aid of an independent security organization to assess the extent of the damage the breach may have caused. This particular breach could have an impact on more than 10 million customers around the world. MasterCard has been…

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Vienna Insurance Group sees European insurance markets stagnating amidst financial crisis

Vienna Insurance Group, one of the largest insurers in Europe, is showing concern over the regions international insurance markets. According to the company’s forecasts, the markets are becoming stagnant and, in the best case scenario, would remain as such for the remainder of this year. This stagnation is likely a product of how consumers are responding to the ongoing economic crisis that is spreading throughout Europe. Because of this growing trend, the insurer has announced steps that it will be taking to ensure its place as one of Europe’s most influential companies.…

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UK Supreme Court issues ruling on controversial asbestos liability case

The United Kingdom Supreme Court has issued a ruling on a controversial case concerning asbestos in workplaces. The issue arose in 2008, when a number of people came forward to seek reparations after being diagnosed with mesothelioma, a type of lung cancer connected with inhaling asbestos and other fibrous materials. The country’s appeals courts struggled to determine whether liability lied with employers for exposing workers to dangerous conditions or if liability began when a victim started exhibiting symptoms of illness. Despite the conflict, the High Court ruled in 2008 that…

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Total SA natural gas leak births insurance nightmare as the industry tackles yet another man-made environmental disaster

Trouble is brewing in the North Sea where a major natural gas leak is causing problems for Total SA, a multinational oil company. The leak began at one of the companies abandoned platforms, dubbed the “well of hell” by environmentalists. Total is claiming that it will take at least six months to shut off the flow of natural gas due to high pressures within the reservoir beneath the platform. The company now faces serious backlash from the insurance industry for being at the heart of yet another man-made environmental disaster.…

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