Alabama Insurance Exchange Commission to submit recommendations on a state-run exchange system by the end of this week

Alabama is moving closer to establishing its own health insurance exchange as the state’s Health Insurance Exchange Study Commission finishes its work this week. The agency was formed earlier this year at the order of Governor Robert Bentley. The agency was tasked with determining the proper course of action to take when the time comes to make an exchange program. The Commission plans to submit its proposals for the program later this week, at which point the state Legislature will vote on the fate of a state-run insurance exchange. Exact…

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American Medical Association suggests physicians and consumers play a governing role in state-run health insurance exchanges

As states continue to show indecision regarding the establishment of health insurance exchanges, the American Medical Association has decided to enter the fray. The association, comprised of medical professionals throughout the U.S., has issued a number of recommendations to the Department of Health and Human Services. The AMA has suggested a number of rules that would serve as protection for patients and physicians participating in the exchanges. The AMA has also stated that physicians and patients should have a governing role in a state’s health insurance exchange program. Though the…

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President Obama`s healthcare law and the Supreme Court

The United States and the healthcare industry were shaken up with the federal statute entitled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Before it was passed, during the discussions and voting and even today, there is much debate on whether or not this statute is unconstitutional. While there have been numerous cases going through the appellate courts in different areas of the country, the findings are typically mixed. The Supreme Court has the ability to pick and choose the cases it takes on. In March of 2012, there are over…

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Health insurance regulation receives growing support

Though the public still continues to debate over the benefits of the new mandate that will require all Americans to have health insurance, a new CNN/ORC International Poll has suggested that the support for this central element to the 2010 healthcare reform legislation has been increasing since June 2011. The results of this survey were released just as the Supreme Court has taken on the decision of whether or not the massive healthcare system changes by President Barack Obama, which was passed by a Democratic Congress, is indeed constitutional. It…

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U.S. Supreme Court to review Obama’s healthcare overhaul

The U.S. Supreme Court has decided to perform a review of the healthcare overhaul by the Obama administration in order to determine if it is constitutional. This debate will no doubt be a topic that will help to decide the shape of the presidential election in 2012, and will help to determine how much power the federal government will have over healthcare and insurance. The Supreme Court justices have said that they will be considering the constitutionality of the healthcare overhaul’s requirement that all Americans must purchase health insurance by…

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