CHIP funding will run dry in several states by the end of January

child kid CHIP funding

Kids in many places across the country and whose families have low incomes will be without health insurance. CHIP funding was allowed to expire on September 30, 2017 and, despite the fact that the program has bipartisan support, it still has not been renewed. States have been doing what they could to compensate for the medical expenses without federal money. Unfortunately, some states haven’t fared as well as others. Now, many of the 9 million children enrolled in the program, as well as pregnant mothers and babies born over the…

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Congress may be slow to act on flood insurance

Flood Insurance

Presidential election and short legislative session gives Congress limited time There may be relatively little action taken by the United States Congress this year, largely due to a short legislative session and the impending presidential election. This could mean some trouble for the insurance industry, as the U.S. may be lagging behind addressing issues concerning international insurance regulatory initiatives. This may also place more pressure on the National Flood Insurance Program, which has already struggled to find appropriate support from Congress over the past several years. National Flood Insurance Program…

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Children’s Health Insurance Program funding may be in jeopardy

Children’s Health Insurance Program kids

Congress has to act on reauthorizing funding for CHIP Congress may need to act quickly if it wants to save the national Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The program’s funding scheme is set to expire soon and this could leave children throughout the United States without access to health insurance coverage. The program’s current funding will run dry next year, but relatively little has been done to address this issue. The burden of keeping CHIP alive is not for Congress alone, of course. States must begin working with insurers and…

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Affordable Care Act has some little-known tricks up its sleeve

US Supreme court ruling health insurance

Supreme Court expected to issue ruling on the health care law in June Next month, the fate of the Affordable Care Act is expected to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. The national health care law was brought to the court after 26 states and several insurance and medical organizations rose up in protest. The Justices of the court heard arguments concerning the law late last month, calling into question how the law will affect the country’s citizens. The Affordable Care Act is often criticized for the changes it…

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Day two of Affordable Care Act hearing in Supreme Court focuses on controversial insurance mandate

The Supreme Court began its second day of hearing the case against the controversial Affordable Care Act on Tuesday this week. The focus of day two was centered on whether Congress could require Americans to purchase health insurance. The Obama administration’s top lawyers were ready to defend the insurance mandate imposed by the health care law, but conservative Justices of the Court were quick to issue their concerns regarding the matter. This could signal some serious problems for the future of the Affordable Care Act. Only three minutes into the…

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Insurance agents oppose Federal Insurance Office study

Insurance agents oppose Federal Insurance Office study

Members of The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) are unsettled about a federal insurance study. They feel that the study is biased and will not produce accurate results. If the law is based on these inaccuracies, they feel this could be devastating to the insurance industry. Currently, the Federal Insurance Office (FIO) has been called upon to report the potential risks and benefits of federal regulation in the insurance industry. The current authority over insurance belongs to each individual state, preventing the FIO from regulating the insurance industry.…

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