Supreme Court rules against health insurance provision of Affordable Care Act


Supreme Court rules to overturn provision forcing companies to provide coverage for contraceptive care

Health Insurance NewsThe U.S. Supreme Court has issued a ruling concerning the Affordable Care Act’s provision prohibiting organization from denying coverage for birth control and contraceptive care on religious grounds. This provision has generated a significant degree of controversy alongside the other provisions of the health care reform law. The ruling from the Supreme Court may dispel some of this controversy, but it will also allow businesses and other organizations to deny coverage for contraceptive care.

Ruling marks the end of a long conflict between companies and the federal government

In a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court ruled that family-run businesses can claim religious exemption from the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive care provision. This means that the health insurance coverage that these organizations offer their employees will no longer be included in their overarching health care plans. This provision has been opposed by organizations such as Hobby Lobby, whom claim that some forms of contraception are immoral.

Supreme Court ruling could have far reaching implications throughout the health insurance sector

The matter of health insurance has been quite controversial in the U.S. for some time. The ruling from the Supreme Court may generate more controversy, but not necessarily where health insurance is concerned. The ruling sets a precedent that for-profit companies can claim religious freedoms and protection for their beliefs under federal law. Essentially, the ruling suggests that businesses have the same religious freedoms as people.

Congress may take action in order to ensure that those affected by the ruling will not lose access to their health insurance coverage

The ruling could have many implications for health insurance throughout the U.S. The ruling could allow companies to object to certain types of coverage, including blood transfusions and vaccines. The ruling could also allow companies to sidestep gender discrimination laws based on their religious beliefs. Some federal officials have suggested that the ruling “jeopardizes the health of women,” noting that Congress may take steps to ensure that those affected by the ruling will still have access to the health insurance coverage that they want.

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