In a recent ruling, democrat lawmakers have won the right to keep Christian medical plans in place, and members will not be forced to carry traditional health insurance under Obama’s health care reform. Medi-Share, a Christian health cost sharing plan with close to 40,000 members, is not considered health insurance.
The plan has been growing in popularity over the past 17 years by offering lower costs than regular insurance plans and setting forth rules for its members of no: illegal drugs, tobacco, no sex out of marriage, no alcohol abuse or legal medications abuse.
On their website, they cite that health care reform will cause insurance rates to increase by over 40%. The group anticipates an influx of members looking for lower cost options as the health care reform takes hold.
Although, a good portion of their members have been very pleased with the results of how the plan has paid out but some have had their share of problems. In fact, one is a pastor that sued the association and commented of being embarrassed to even be associated with them.
There has been some backlash, as well, to this victory from Illinois insurance regulator Michael McRaith warning that, “Congress should attach more safeguards to the exemption, such as requiring sharing programs to have capital reserves deep enough to handle unusually expensive cases.”
Medi-Share does list a short but not so sweet disclaimer that all should note: “The payment of your medical bills through Medi-Share or otherwise is not guaranteed in any fashion.” Leaving some questioning whether they would be stuck with the bill.
Some religious groups are arguing against the mandatory health care reform, slated to take place in 2014, stating it infringes on their religious freedoms. Others argue that’s it’s unconstitutional but industry experts do agree that there must be some balance within the program to prevent people jumping in and out of coverage only when needed.