encourages everyone to take part in National Volunteer Week – a cancer insurance information and quote comparison website – has announced its intentions to spread awareness about National Volunteer Week, which runs from April 15 through April 21.

The National Volunteer Week event was started back in 1974 with the intention of encouraging everyone in the United States to volunteer their time, money, and/or services to their favorite causes by learning about the difference they can make and about which efforts, initiatives, organizations, and charities can benefit from them the most.

This event runs every year so that a growing number of people will be inspired to learn about volunteering and will come up with their own ideas for contributing to their communities and making their own small difference. A single effort, after all, when joined with many other single efforts, can make a significant impact. It encourages Americans in every state to work together to achieve the common goal of a better place to live, regardless of the fact that they will not be financially compensated.Volunteer Week - cancer insurance info

Instead, people learn that when they choose to give their own time, they can make a real difference and they feel a reward that is more important and gratifying than monetary payment.

What is hoping to do is spread the word even further by continuing its efforts to share stories, ideas, and practices that will help to achieve tremendous results in hundreds, if not thousands of causes throughout the country.

It is at times such as this, when the economy is struggling to recover, that volunteering can make a meaningful impact, even when financial donations are low.

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