teenSMART makers working to improve the 100 deadliest days for adolescent motorists
Commissioner Dave Jones held a press conference regarding California auto insurance safety for young motorists, in conjunction with industry leaders and experts to help to try to encourage safer driving practices during the 100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers, which starts before the beginning of summer.
Jones was joined by the CEO of ADEPT Driver (maker of teenSMART), Dr. Richard Harkness, AAA Insurance, and retired CHP officer, Bryan Lilly, who has teenaged children. They worked together to try to urge teens to place more of their focus on safety while they’re on the roads.
The Commissioner stated that adolescent drivers have the highest percentage of car accidents.
He explained that “Teen drivers have the highest percentage of auto crashes of any drivers and, sadly, this can lead to tragic consequences.” He also added that “That’s why it is important for parents, teachers – all of us – to regularly take the time and educate our kids about becoming safe drivers and learning crash avoidance techniques.”
The 100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers is a period that spans from Memorial Day right through until Labor Day. California auto insurance companies have found that this is the time that this age group is most likely to be involved in a crash.
During the Commissioner’s conference teenSMART was highlighted as a good resource for teens.
It was recommended as a tool to assist adolescents to improve their overall driving skills and knowledge of safe behaviors so that danger can be avoided.
Dr. Harkness stated that a scientific model was used to determine the top reasons that adolescents are involved in vehicle accidents. He went on to explain that teenSMART is able to address those issues specifically, through the use of challenging driving simulations, based on a computer, that better an individual’s driving skills and help to reduce a teenager’s risk when actually behind the wheel.
teenSMART is a program designed to reduce the number of crashes within that age group. It can be completed on any home computer and at the pace of the driver. It involves activities for both the teens and their parents and has proven to reduce the number of crashes by 30 percent, meaning less danger, fewer traffic accidents and citations, and lower California auto insurance premiums over time.