How Buying Insurance Online Can Save You Money

Tips on buying insurance online

The insurance industry has been open to a private sector for a while. It has allowed for innovation and a new structure for products and features available when it comes to insurance. One of the most convenient features is the ability to obtain it online. As a tradesman, you have to juggle a lot of tasks and responsibilities, especially if you are self-employed. Therefore, getting your cover online can save you time and most importantly money.  With All Trades Cover, you can explore a range of insurance options from the…

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Lloyd’s insurance claims see rapid response and payments following storms

Lloyd’s insurance claims - Home office building

The massive marketplace has reported quick customer service for customers affected by Harvey, Irma and Maria. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria left catastrophe and devastation behind, and Lloyd’s insurance claims are being rapidly processed, says the market. The company says it is responding quickly and has even made some advance payments. The storms left behind an estimated $738 million in insured damages to properties and possessions. “It is heartening to see the Lloyd’s market swing into action in this way,” said Inga Beal, the market’s chief executive, when addressing the…

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Kanye West insurance lawsuit worth $10 million following tour cancellation

kanye west insurance

The performer filed the suit against a number of Lloyd’s of London syndicates, alleging lack of payment. The Kanye West insurance lawsuit has hit the news headlines as the celebrity claims his insurers aren’t paying his due amount following the cancellation of his performance tour. The entertainer suddenly halted a number of performance dates on his Saint Pablo Tour. Officially, the Kanye West insurance claims were filed through the performer’s Very Good Touring, Inc. company. He now alleges that the insurance companies have failed to pay out on the claims…

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UK insurance market could lose Lloyd’s staff following Brexit

Lloyd’s insurance claims - Home office building

Top boss at the massive marketplace has revealed that operations may leave the country. The UK insurance market may not remain the most important one in the world due to the Brexit vote. Chairman of Lloyd’s of London, John Nelson, cautioned that the marketplace may be required to move some of its business over to continental Europe. That could mean a loss of a large chunk of the staff currently located in the United Kingdom. In fact, Lloyd’s insurance operations may be on their way out of the country even…

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The Brexit insurance industry impact is already showing

Insurance company brexit strategy

One of the first things that happened following the announcement of the voting results was plummeting shares. Across the United Kingdom, the Brexit insurance industry impact was felt right away as the voting results were revealed. Shares throughout the sector plummeted, leaving investors and insurers reeling. Growing fears from experts appear to have taken an axe to stock prices. The main concern is the effect the Brexit will have on Lloyd’s of London, the massive insurance market. Lloyd’s currently enjoys a special appeal to other insurance companies. This is because…

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Climate change is proving unsettling for insurance agents

Climate Change Insurance agents Industry

Lloyd’s of London has revealed that it is starting to look into potential catastrophes from the new reality. Lloyd’s of London has just released a document that is rather unsettling to insurance agents in the way that it has shown that it is currently exploring potential apocalyptic disasters that could result from the impact of climate change on the current structure of the world. The report detailed the way that there could essentially be a worldwide meltdown from a food supply chain failure. This was far from the type of…

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Bitcoin companies are beginning to rely on the insurance industry

Bitcoin insurance industry news

Insurance industry is playing a larger role in the world of digital currencies Lloyd’s of London has released a new report that highlights the risks associated with digital currency, particularly Bitcoin. These currencies are becoming more common throughout the world, being used to purchase products online. In the case of Bitcoin, volatility is a very serious concern, as the value of a single Bitcoin fluctuates wildly on a regular basis. The report from Lloyd’s of London is meant to shed some insight on the risks associated with insuring businesses based…

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