Think You’re Paying Alot for Car Insurance? Check Out Other States and See

Think You’re Paying Alot for Car Insurance? Check Out Other States and See

Louisiana drivers are the winners!

Paying, on average, the highest in premiums for truck or car insurance, while Maine drivers face the lowest average prices, according to a new survey commissioned by

The survey ranks the states from most to least high priced based on the data results of more than 2,400 vehicles in 10 ZIP codes per state and using prices from the six largest carriers.

The main objective is not just to point the finger at Louisiana, Michigan and Oklahoma (the three highest) or permit Ohio, Vermont and Maine to boast (the three lowest). Rather, this survey reveals the real reason behind this variation. It turns out that state laws and policies affect charges, having several that poise negative and positive impacts.

For example, a main reason why Louisiana’s costs are larger on a regular basis is mainly because only situations with claims exceeding $50,000 receive a jury trial. This means a lot more instances are settled out of court, which leads to greater accident settlements and larger insurance costs. Michigan permits unlimited medical rewards for the life of accident victims, the cost of which eventually gets spread to all drivers in the form of higher prices.

On the other hand, Maine added benefits from low commuter mileage, which makes its highways less crowded and its number of accidents lower.

Check after the jump to locate out where your state ranks in terms of regular automobile insurance coverage rates.

Check out the most and least costly states for car or truck insurance coverage, 2010 

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