Insurance technology could soon bring wearables into health care

fitbit fitness tracker health care life insurance technology

Fitness and activity trackers are becoming popular and could provide helpful medical data. Just as pay as you drive policies are becoming popular among auto insurers, a new form of potential insurance technology is now becoming increasingly popular along with the trend of wearable devices and gadgets such as smartwatches and fitness bands. This could prove to be exceptionally helpful to the health care industry, and perhaps to insurers, as well. As fitness trackers such as Fitbit become increasingly commonplace, and major smartwatch manufacturers enhance their products with activity monitoring…

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Will auto insurance rates rise because of Google Glass?

Google Glass auto insurance

The popularity of wearable technology and augmented reality glasses could soon have an impact on premiums. In a move that could one day – in the not too distant future – impact the auto insurance premiums that motorists are facing every year, Google is currently lobbying officials in three or more American states to try to put a halt to the proposed limitations for driving while wearing augmented reality glasses and headsets, such as Google Glass. This represents one of the first major legal battles over the AR based wearable…

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