Travel insurance tips offered to Pennsylvania vacationers

travel insurance transportation

The Insurance Department in the state has released advice for residents of the state before they head away. The warming weather means one thing to many people across Pennsylvania, and that is the preparations for the summer vacation season, about which they are now being provided with a range of travel insurance tips. The Pennsylvania Insurance Department is reminding vacationers to look into the right insurance coverage. The Insurance Department has released a checklist for people across the state, before they head away on vacation. Being away will impact many…

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Travel insurance may not help you if Ebola changes your vacation plans

CDC picture of ebola travel insurance news

Customers are asking their agents whether or not it is safe for them to fly and how they can protect themselves. Agents are now saying that their customers are asking them about the protection that their travel insurance can give them, as people are beginning to become concerned with regards to the safety of flying and what steps they can take in order to protect themselves against concerns that they could be exposed to Ebola. Though there has yet to be any reason for concern about Ebola in the U.S.…

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Travel insurance claims can be rejected if alcohol was involved

Travel Insurance

Some insurers have been facing some criticism for refusing to pay when a policyholder had been drinking on vacation. Travel insurance companies in the United Kingdom have been turning down certain claims when they discover that the vacationers who had made them had been drinking alcohol before they suffered from the accident in question. The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) has stated that a “high standard of proof” must be provided. According to the FOS, the travel insurance company must be able to show quite solidly that the amount of alcohol…

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Travel insurance is becoming more expensive for seniors

travel insurance

Despite the fact that claims are dropping, the industry is still charging these travelers more for coverage. Vacationers in their late 70s and their early 80s are now finding that travel insurance is costing them more than it once did – even more than people who have recently retired – even though the costs associated with covering those individuals on their holidays has been decreasing. Typically these insurance policies become more costly with age because of a rise in the risk of accidents and health problems. For that reason, when…

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Travel insurance fraud spikes in the UK

Travel Insurance

The summer heat wave is being blame for the sudden skyrocketing levels of fraudulent claims. Cancelled vacation and lost baggage travel insurance claims have risen sharply during the summer of 2013 and the heat wave that briefly held in place over the United Kingdom is being blamed. Vacationers frequently decided to stay home in the hot weather since they didn’t need to pay to seek it elsewhere. The travel insurance fraud associated with cancelling pre-booked vacations in order to opt to remain at home because the weather remained hot is…

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