India seeks alternatives to European maritime insurers as EU sanctions on Iran loom

As the European Union prepares to impose sanctions on Iran and breaks its trade agreement with the nation, the maritime insurance industry is facing a bleak and complicated future. Insurers will not be the only ones to suffer from the move, however, as countries that depend on oil from the Middle East will also feel the impact of the action. Even countries that do not rely on Iranian oil are claiming that the EU’s actions will have a major effect on their economies. Such is the case in India, where…

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Dental problems force uninsured Tennessee residents into ERs

A report issued by The Pew Center on the States has shown that residents of Tennessee suffering from toothaches and other dental problems are finding themselves in hospital emergency rooms as many of them cannot afford preventive care and are not covered by dental insurance. Residents of that state have made over 55,000 visits to emergency rooms since 2009 due to issues with their teeth or because of jaw disorders. Adults do not receive dental coverage by TennCare, and many employers within Tennessee do not include dental coverage in their…

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More states permit drivers to use insurance app as proof of coverage

The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) has released a simple solution to help drivers to make certain that they always carry proof of their auto insurance coverage with them, which involves the use of an app that allows the proof to be displayed using a smartphone. Motorists in Idaho received the approval last Thursday when that state’s Senate Transportation Committee gave their unanimous approval to the SB 1319 measure. Now, there are similar bills being considered by several other states, including California, Arizona, and Mississippi. According to the…

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Consumers being warned to protect their social media information from insurance companies

As social media becomes a popular tool for the insurance industry for investigating claims and, at times, pricing insurance policies, consumers are being warned to watch what information they share on their favorite networking platforms. A new study from the Paw Research Center, a market research and trend analysis firm, shows that the majority of adults in the U.S. (64%) have an active social media presence. The study finds that a scant few of these people have any knowledge on how to protect the information they share on these platforms…

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Insurer santalucía trusts SAS® to help address Solvency II and integrate risk management

MADRID – Building on its successful use of SAS in actuarial activities, Spanish insurer santalucía will use SAS Risk Management for Insurance to help meet Solvency II, Pillar I requirements to manage risks and calculate metrics. SAS, the leader in business analytics software and services, is a risk analytics solutions leader for the insurance industry. With 370 agencies, 9,000 employees and 7.5 million clients throughout Spain, santalucía chose SAS to undertake multidimensional risk analysis that includes both the standard model approach and the ability to develop integrated internal models in…

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