When it comes to deciding on auto insurance for your vehicle it’s important to thoroughly consider each policy type before jumping to make a decision. Insurance premiums can be a big chunk of change out of your bank account each month, but unfortunately, car accidents are an everyday occurrence around the world, and getting caught without coverage can mean big trouble. You definitely don’t want to cut corners when it comes to making sure you have all of the insurance you need. Even if certain add-ons are going to cost…
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Michigan insurance news – no-fault fund transparency
Every car in Michigan pays a $175 yearly fee to the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association. In recent insurance news, one Judge in Ingham county decided that the public fund should be open for review so residents can understand how the fund sets the annual rate. No-fault and catastrophic loss The MCCA was created by state legislation to help Michigan insurance companies that pay out more than half a million in claim money to people in car accidents and suffer life altering injuries. This limit is for individual claims. Residents have…
Read MoreNo-fault Michigan auto insurance struggling with spike in claims expenses
According to a recent study performed by the Insurance Research Council (IRC), the no-fault system for Michigan auto insurance has experienced an increase of 192 percent in the average claimed losses for lost wages, medical expense, and other injury-related costs linked to vehicle accidents within the state, in a period from 2002 to 2001. The IRC study of auto injury insurance claims in no fault systems also demonstrated that within that same period of time, there was an average increase of 13 percent every year within that state. It identified…
Read MoreDrivers in Michigan to see an average car insurance premiums increase of $30
The Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA) has just announced that there will be an increase of $30 per vehicle to the auto insurance rates paid by drivers in the state starting on July 1, 2012, as per the new rate for 2012-13. This will raise the average premium by 21 percent, making it $175. Premiums undergo an annual adjustment in Michigan in order to cover the claims that are made under the state’s no-fault insurance law’s unlimited lifetime medical benefits. The results of the assessment are applied to each car…
Read MoreFlorida legislators back new bill that will reform the state’s no-fault auto insurance laws
As auto insurance fraud is thrusted into the limelight by the actions of federal and state regulators this week in New York, the eleven other states that host no-fault insurance laws are taking a hard look at what can be done to make fraud a less serious issue. Florida is currently the leader in terms of auto insurance fraud, much of which is spurred by the state’s no-fault laws. These laws require insurers to pay benefits to victims of car accidents no matter who may be at fault. Like in…
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