Technology is becoming a priority for the insurance industry

Insurance Technology investments

Survey highlights the growing interest insurers are showing in technology Technology may soon be receiving more attention from the insurance industry. A new survey conducted by Xchanging shows that the industry is beginning to better understand the importance of technology and how it can be used to connect with and serve consumers. The insurance industry is notoriously slow in embracing new technology, opting to hold to traditional engagement methods that have been in used for decades. As technology begins to play a more important role in the daily lives of…

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The Insurance Industry and the Challenge of New Media

insurance industry new media

Insurers are finding it tricky to provide effective policies to the new media space The world of media is changing quite quickly. So called new media, which refers to on-demand content that is available at any time and on any digital service, is becoming the de facto form of entertainment for many people, especially those in younger generations. New media is quite different than traditional media, especially when it comes to matters concerning the distribution and protection of content. New media represents a certain challenge for the insurance industry that…

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Insurance industry is being pushed to use the cloud

mobile cloud insurance technology industry

The rapid evolution of technology is pressuring insurers to consider new forms of data storage. Many businesses, including those within the insurance industry, are now finding themselves in a position in which they are being required to make important decisions regarding their current data storage processes, and those that would allow them to remain compliant, requiring them to use the cloud. This is proving to be a challenging and potentially costly switch, and many companies have been resisting. The insurance industry is well aware of the potential benefits of moving…

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Insurance industry is using social media but needs to learn the ropes

Social Media Marketing for Insurance Industry

Though the methods are being used by insurers, they still have yet to do it properly to generate results. The insurance industry has shown that it is getting on board with the use of the latest online techniques for marketing, including social media, but until now, it hasn’t been using it properly. Insurers are now taking the time to try to get it right when they are attempting to communicate with consumers. The Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) president, Robert Hartwig, explained that social media is an important way for the…

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Insurance industry communication tech is antiquated

mobile phone video insurance industry technology

According to a recent report, companies and organizations are using old technology for communicating. According to a report that was sponsored by GMC Software Technology, many companies throughout the insurance industry aren’t supporting modern communications either within their own organizations or for interaction with their customers. This, despite the fact that these same companies feel that multichannel communication is a priority. The survey involved the participation of 90 different insurers and was conducted by Forrester Research. It placed its focus on communication between companies in the insurance industry and their…

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