Health insurance policies are becoming stricter through employers

Health Insurance Report on obesity

The trend is angling toward tougher rules as companies fear that higher costs are on their way. As the concern of employers increases concerning the possible rise in health insurance costs, these companies are beginning to adopt stricter policies in order to try to keep their employees more healthy, lest it impact the wallets of those workers. Employers are starting to make it more expensive for their employees to live unhealthy lifestyles. These companies are taking on a number of different efforts to try to encourage their workers to keep…

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Health insurance bill passed to open Kansas market

Flag of Kansas health insurance news

The House was struggling with the bill that would permit insurers to sell very basic coverage in the state. On the last day of the regular session in Kansas, the House dedicated hours to debates, re-considerations and the pushing back of a bill, which was finally passed in order to allow the state to add bare bones health insurance policies to its market. The purpose of the bill is to help to make the coverage more affordable than what is currently out there. Senate Bill 163, which has been nicknamed…

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Health insurance plans rarely meet the minimum exchange requirements

Health Insurance plans

A recent study has shown that the majority of policies aren’t up to the minimums of the federal law. Individuals and families that are already purchasing their own health insurance plans will likely want to pay attention to the latest news that has been released following a study at the University of Chicago. It determined that most plans aren’t up to the quality required by the federal healthcare overhaul. This will mean that even some individuals who have already purchased their own health insurance coverage will need to change their…

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Health insurance study shows that there will be considerable changes in premiums in 2014

California health insurance

The research showed that while they may notably rise for some Californians, they will plummet for others. Next year, when the healthcare reform law goes into full effect, the results of a recent study have shown that there will be some considerable differences in the health insurance premiums that are paid by residents of California. Though this is wonderful news for some, it is not as pleasant for others, said the report. The research suggested that while some people in California will see their individual market health insurance premiums rise…

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Health insurance marketplace to provide coverage to almost 81,000 N. Pennsylvanians

Pennsylvania Health Insurance

Many residents in the northeast of the state will be able to take advantage of the assistance it provides. As of a newly released report, it has been estimated that almost 81,000 people in Northeast Pennsylvania will be eligible for purchasing health insurance that is subsidized by the government when the marketplace opens up in the state for coverage next year. The report gave details of exactly who will receive this eligibility in the state when the exchange opens. The name of the report is “Help is at Hand: New…

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