Affordable Care Act may not be the cause of rising health insurance costs

Health Insurance News

Research discovers that federal law may not be causing premium spikes It has become common for the Affordable Care Act to be blamed for rising health insurance costs in the U.S., but the federal law may not actually be the problem. According to a new analysis from the Commonwealth Fund, an organization that conducts independent research on health policy, the Affordable Care Act actually has a relatively modest impact on insurance costs. The organization has analyzed the reasons that insurance companies provide to regulators when they are seeking rate increases…

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Less than 1% of consumers to pay more for health insurance after cancellations

retroactive health insurance

Health insurance cancellations may not actually be a costly problem Families USA, a health care advocacy group, has released a new study that focuses on the costs associated with the Affordable Care Act. Recently, the health care reform law has received harsh criticism due to insurance companies cancelling certain policies. According to the federal law, insurers must cancel health insurance policies that do not comply with the standards of the Affordable Care Act. Critics of this provision suggest that consumers are being forced to purchase new policies that are vastly…

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Health insurance companies express worry over profits

health insurance companies profits

Health insurance providers predict impact to profits Despite the partial shutdown of the U.S. federal government, the Affordable Care Act will continue to be enacted on schedule. This has created some worry among some health insurance companies and their ability to make a profit. Large companies have warned since 2010 that the federal health care law would cause a spike in health insurance rates due to provisions calling for higher expenditure on administration and requirements for insurers to spend the majority of the money they collect through premiums on improving…

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Health insurance could cause a shutdown of the federal government

Health insurance industry news federal government

Health insurance remains a divisive issue Complete enactment of the Affordable Care Act looms in the U.S., but the controversy surrounding the federal law has yet to dissipate. Since the law was passed in 2010, politicians throughout the country have been working to repeal it. Those opposing the law typically align with the Republican Party and have expressed concerns that the federal law will make the cost of health insurance and medical care skyrocket. The issue has become so problematic that it has threatened to shut down the federal government…

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UPS drops health insurance coverage for 15,000 working spouses

U.S. Health Insurance

UPS makes health insurance cuts citing financial concerns The United Parcel Service (UPS) of the U.S. has announced that it will be cutting the health insurance coverage it provides to approximately 15,000 spouses of full-time employees. The company is one of the largest employers in the country, but has been expressing concern regarding how the health insurance sector will be affected by the Affordable Care Act. According to UPS, the move is due to the rising costs of health care in general as well as the provisions associated with the…

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