Health care vote likely today after delay from Trump’s failure to find support

Donald Trump - health care repeal

Despite extensive efforts to encourage members to see his side, the president has yet to gain enough votes. House leaders postponed the health care vote that had been expected to occur on Thursday. The GOP’s intention had been to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Trump and his supporters worked diligently to address demands made from lawmakers who refused to support the overhaul bill. Despite considerable efforts, Trump was unable to convince enough of the lawmakers to make it pass. The House Republicans met behind closed doors late in the day…

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Trump health care reform will include “insurance for everybody”

According to the President-Elect, he is close to completing a replacement for the Affordable Care Act. The President-Elect has now said that the Donald Trump health care reform is coming close to completion. This will replace the Affordable Care Act which was President Obama’s signature health care law. The goal of Trump’s overhaul of Obamacare will be to make sure there is “insurance for everybody.” The announcement of this Trump health care reform move came as a bit of a surprise for many people. Despite the fact that he did…

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