Health care reform still has people confused

Health insurance care reform confusion debate

New study highlights the lingering confusion surrounding the Affordable Care Act and its provisions As the open enrollment period for insurance exchanges in the U.S. draws closer to its end, many people throughout the country are still confused about what the Affordable Care Act actually is and how it is affecting health insurance. A new study from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found that many people cannot accurately describe what a deductible is and others do not understand the relationship that premiums play with deductibles. The…

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Health insurance can now be purchased in a retail store

Connecticut health Insurance

Consumers in Connecticut now have two more places in which to purchase coverage before the deadline. With under a week left to purchase health insurance in 2014, in order to comply with the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act, Connecticut has taken a unique step to help to ensure that its residents have every opportunity to obtain the coverage that they need. There are two retail stores that are allowing people to simply walk in and enroll. Shopping for health insurance has never felt so much like shopping for…

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Health care reform comes under fire once again

US Health care Reform

Obama administration proposes new rule that has sparked controversy The Obama administration has made a very controversial move that has renewed the criticism surrounding federal health care reform. Late last week, the President proposed a new rule that would increase the bailout protection that insurance companies have through health insurance exchanges. The rule is designed to provide insurers with more financial security as the country adapts to the changes that health care reform has introduced to the insurance market. Those opposing the new rule suggest that it is illegal The…

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Health insurance plans are being snatched up with the deadline looming

Health Insurance exchange marketplaces

The end of the 2014 open enrollment period for the health care reform is only just over a week away. The Obama administration announced earlier this week that over 5 million people have now enrolled for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, which suggests that the number of people signing up has picked up speed as the deadline for this year rapidly approaches. In the first half of this month, alone, an estimated 800,000 people signed up for coverage on the exchanges. Officials released a blog post that provide…

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Rape insurance now implemented in Michigan

Health Insurance news abortion rape

The controversial law regarding coverage for abortions has now become effective in the state. The highly controversial Abortion Insurance Opt-Out law, which has been nicknamed the “rape insurance” law, has now gone into effect in the state of Michigan, which would require women to purchase separate plans in order to cover an abortion except in a case in which the woman was a victim of a sexual crime that caused her to become pregnant, or if the unborn baby was putting the woman’s life at risk. Supporters have say that…

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