What can you do to reduce your health insurance premiums

homeowners Insurance Consumer Satisfaction

The continued struggle of the economy has forced the country to try to keep healthcare spending down, and has forced many Americans to put off medical care due to financial constraints, but there are some things that can be done to minimize the amount that they spend on health insurance without sacrificing their coverage altogether. Being an informed customer can be a very important step to making sure that you are getting the most coverage at the lowest possible price, and to ensure that you are protected for everything that…

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Cancer insurance provides one of the top financial safety nets in 2012

Cancer Insurance Quote

As cancer is one of the most common, degenerative, and costly medical conditions in the world today, Many more people are realizing that their standard health insurance alone isn’t providing the complete coverage that they would require to protect their financial wellbeing in the case of a diagnosis, and are turning to supplemental options to fill that gap and ensure the healthy future of both themselves and their assets. Though many cancers are highly treatable, and the survival rates of several forms are soaring even when compared to a decade…

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Some preventive tests may be covered under new healthcare overhaul, others are not

Though many preventive tests –colonoscopies, for example – are covered by the new healthcare reforms, patients are still being urged to understand various loopholes that still exist, where supplementary insurance can help to prevent unexpected expenses. For instance, though a colonoscopy – a preventive colon cancer screening test – may be covered, if its practice should involve an additional procedure, such as the removal of a noncancerous polyps during the test (which is a very common practice), that additional work is considered to be a procedure and is no longer…

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Supplemental health insurance plans to cover you through the ski season

As soon as that first flake of snow hits the ground, many people across the United States take their skis out of storage and just wait for the announcement that their favorite hills have opened their runs, but there are some additional considerations that these enthusiasts should make aside from the condition of their ski equipment. Even if you already have health insurance, you may still find it worthwhile to consider additional accident insurance as it will help to cover some of the expenses that standard coverage will not; for…

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Winter ski safety tips that keep safety first

Last year, ski travel returned as a popular trend as a result of a long natural snow season and record snowfalls that gave winter sports enthusiasts lots of extra time to enjoy them. Now that the holiday season is upon us once more, the ski season is about to start as well, and consumers are starting to begin their travel planning. With that in mind, insurance and travel professionals are recommending that travelers take certain precautions to keep safety at the top of their list during this year’s winter season.…

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