New car buyer insurance information Many people are prepared to haggle over the price of a new car in order to get the best deal possible. However, they often forget about the extra expenses that can add up over the years, which are affected by the type of car they choose. If you are planning on buying a new car, don’t rush into any decisions. Instead, have a sit down about some of the other factors that can affect the running costs of the car over the years, and take…
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Workers at Indiana University to pay more for health insurance next year
Employees at the Indiana University can expect to start paying more for their health insurance next year. According to Neil Theobald, vice presidents and chief financial officer of the university, the school is unable to keep up with the pace at which insurance rates are being increased. The university is unwilling to cut health care benefits for its staff, so has introduced a new initiative that has earned some controversy. Next year, the cost of health insurance for university employees will be based upon how much they earn, as well…
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