Insurance companies to feel climate change effects most, but aren’t investing that way

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Insurers will be hit hardest by rising global temperatures, but their investments aren’t low-carbon. The insurance industry will feel climate change effects more powerfully than most other industries. That said, a new Forbes report suggests insurers are failing to invest into the low-carbon economy. The insurance sector is most threatened by droughts, floods, extreme heat and severe storms. However, the report shows that climate change effects don’t appear to be enough motivation to change investing habits. These firms are some of the largest investors in the world and stand to…

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Climate change will be challenging for insurance companies, says Moody’s

Climate Change - Insurance - Earth in Flood and Fire

A new report revealed the impact of warming climates worldwide on the insurance industry. The impact of climate change on the economy will have an increased liability risk for insurance companies. Catastrophes related to extreme weather are becoming more severe and frequent, according to a Moody’s Investors Service report. The report pointed to the rising instance of weather disasters like Hurricane Harvey in 2017. Moody’s Investors Service recently released a report. It investigated the economic aftermath of climate change. Insurance companies will face an increased liability risk from more frequent…

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Climate change and severe weather could increase insurance rates for everyone

climate change extreme weather drought storms

Even homeowners who don’t reside in areas struck by recent hurricanes could feel the pinch. Homeowners across America wouldn’t likely be surprised to hear that climate change and the severe weather coming with it could raise insurance rates in areas like Florida and Texas. That said, just because an area wasn’t struck by Harvey or Irma, it doesn’t mean rates won’t rise there, too. Motorists and homeowners throughout many U.S. states will likely watch premiums rise over the next while. Insurance companies are being increasingly affected by climate change. Severe…

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Climate change may have a higher economic impact than previously believed

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The damage rising global temperatures is causing may become much more expensive than predicted. A recently published report has placed the spotlight on the “urban heat island” effect of climate change. This effect was detailed in the Nature Climate Change journal, revealing that urban centers will see a considerably greater expense from global warming. The report was based on an analysis of 1,692 cities around the world and the impact changing temperatures will have. The analysis determined that the economic impact of climate change may be 2.6 times greater than…

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Climate change challenges getting the best of most insurance companies

climate change challenges

A recent report showed that the majority of insurers are not keeping up with the trends when making investment decisions. When it comes to the climate change challenges faced by insurance companies, many are not being met. In fact, a recent study said 90 percent of insurers are failing in this important area. Insurance companies aren’t considering climate change when they decide on investments, said the report. This information was presented by the Asset Owners Disclosure Project in a report they published. The Asset Owners Disclosure Project conducted the research.…

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