Helpful tips to keep your California auto insurance premiums low

The two most common mars on a motorist’s driving record and that can cause California auto insurance to become more expensive than it needs to be are tickets and at-fault accidents. Though most drivers are worried about increases in premiums over time, there are many things that they can do to help to keep those costs as low as possible. This involves maintaining a driving record that is as spotless as possible, which is beneficial not only for keeping lowered insurance payments, but also to keep you, your passengers, and…

Read More website provides California residents with best insurance quotes and comparisons

The new website has announced the availability of its full service insurance quote website that is specifically designed to cater to the needs of the residents of California. The site is now offering Californians fast and easy access to free instant insurance quotes from insurers located within their area. It also provides the ability to compare the top quotes from several insurance companies so that users will always know that they are receiving the coverage they need, but at the best possible price that can be found. The…

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U.K. government may stop uninsured drivers from buying gas

The British government is currently considering an initiative to stop drivers without insurance from being able to refuel their vehicles. The program would involve the use of the thousands of cameras with license plate recognition technology – that have already been implemented to help prevent drivers from fueling up and leaving without paying – to be reworked to be able to provide a cross-checking against the insurance and tax records with the government. The pump would operate only if both insurance and tax records match within the database. The government…

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EU “unisex” laws take their tolls on the finances of both men and women

The latest rule changes in the European Union involving unisex pricing have meant that at the end of this year, when the regulations go into effect, men and women will both be facing expenses that they have never seen before. A primary example of this change is the ruling that prevents gender discrimination while establishing auto insurance premiums – regardless of the fact that it is less likely that a woman driver will be involved in a car accident than a man driver, and that crashes involving female drivers are…

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Discount initiative for car insurance moves onward to November ballot

When voters in California head to the ballot in November, they will also face the issue of a discount initiative for auto insurance, called the 2012 Automobile Insurance Discount Act, which was over 99 percent funded by the chairman of Mercury Insurance. The initial sponsorship for the proposal was from the American Agents Alliance, a trade group. This initiative would allow motorists who change their insurers to obtain a discount if they have already had insurance on their vehicles. The proposal had received nearly 505,000 signatures (a random sample of…

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Auto Insurance in California – What you need to know

California auto insurance

California has stringent requirements when it comes to car insurance. As of 2006, drivers must provide proof of financial ability to cover the expenses related to a motor vehicle accident. Any uninsured vehicle will be impounded immediately and in addition to the expenses related to impounding the car, the driver will receive a large fine. Drivers are also financially liable for any accident in which they are involved. Providing proof of financial ability can take one of several forms in California. Drivers can provide the state of California with a…

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Cadillac Escalade tops the HLDI’s list for the fourth year as most likely to be stolen

For the fourth year in a row, the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) has placed the Cadillac Escalade at the top of its list of vehicles that are most likely to be stolen. The institute has based its rankings on the claims data from auto insurance companies from 2008 and 2009. According to the HLDI, among the vehicles holding the top ten positions with the highest frequency of theft, eight are large vehicles from Ford or General motors, including trucks and SUVs. The remaining two on the list are different…

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