Study finds that health insurance rates are growing at a slow pace

Health insurance rates

Kaiser study highlights growth of health insurance premiums The Kaiser Family Foundation has released a new study concerning the growth of health insurance rates in the U.S. The study shows that rates are, in fact, on the rise, but that these rates are growing more slowly than had been predicted by several insurance companies and the U.S. Congressional Budget Office. The organization suggests that, despite its controversial nature, the Affordable Care Act is not leading to any significant increase in health insurance rates. Conversely, the organization notes that the federal…

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10 Ways That ObamaCare Will Benefit You


The Health Care Reform Act or Affordable Insurance Act, recently signed into law and often referred to as ObamaCare, is a very divisive political topic today. No matter where you stand on the issue, it’s good to consider why this law was developed and how it will benefit you. Check out these 10 ways that ObamaCare positively affects your healthcare coverage. 1. Health insurance providers can no longer cancel your policy if you get sick. This was a major complaint among consumers, who may pay for decades into a policy…

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Montana releases estimates concerning costs of health insurance exchange policies

montana Health insurance

State provides estimates concerning cost of health insurance policies sold through exchange Montana has become the latest state in which estimates concerning the rates for policies sold through the state’s health insurance exchange have been released. The state’s Office of the Commissioner of Securities and Insurance has released these estimates in order to give state residents a glimpse at what they could be paying for coverage purchased through the federally-operated insurance exchange. The exchange is meant to provide Montana residents with access to affordable health insurance coverage and is a…

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Colorado releases estimates concerning cost of health insurance through exchange

Colorado Health Insurance

Health insurance estimates released by Colorado officials The cost of health insurance has been a major issue since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in the U.S. The federal law has called for the establishment of exchange programs in every state, which are meant to serve as marketplaces where consumers can find affordable coverage. Exactly how affordable this coverage will actually be has been a topic of debate for the past two years. In Colorado, this debate may be coming to an end as state officials release their estimates…

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Kaiser releases estimates for health insurance tax credits

health insurance news care reform

Health insurance tax credits subject of new Kaiser analysis Next year in the U.S., all citizens aged 18 and above will be required to purchase and maintain health insurance coverage due to federal law. This is one of the most controversial aspects of the Affordable Care Act, but the federal government has been working to highlight the fact that the law allows for consumers to receive financial assistance from the government when purchasing insurance coverage. This week, the Kaiser Family Foundation has released information concerning the financial aid that people…

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