Obamacare boosts health insurance coverage by 20 million

President Obama health insurance Obamacare

President Barack Obama has announced that the uninsured rate among Americans has reached record lows. Obamacare has been a law for six years now, and during that time, 20 million people under the age of 65 have obtained some level of coverage, brining the rate of uninsured Americans down to a low that has never seen before in the country. The latest data from the Obama administration shows 2.4 million more people became insured since the fall. The speech was given by the president while he was in Milwaukee, where…

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Obamacare sees 12.7 million health insurance enrollments

Health Insurance exchange

The federal and state exchanges have now surpassed the predictions made by the government. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell, has announced that the health insurance exchanges established through Obamacare have now enrolled approximately 12.7 million Americans, which means that this year’s predictions have been exceeded. The most recent open enrollment period came to a close at the end of January with strong results. The government first started offering individual health insurance subsidies under Obamacare in 2014 but, at the same time, it applies a penalty to the…

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Bernie Sanders unveils new health insurance plan for the US

bernie sanders health insurance medicare expansion

Sanders has revealed his new Medicare for All plan to reform the health insurance sector The 2016 presidential campaign is heating up and health care may be a major issue that will sway voters this year. Senator Bernie Sanders, whom is among the forerunners of those vying for the presidency, has introduced a new plan that seeks to reform the health insurance system in the United States. Sanders calls the plan “Medicare for All,” which is, in the most basic sense, a universal health care plan that aims to ensure…

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Health insurance enrollments remain low among young adults

health insurance marketing young woman

The Affordable Care Act needs younger and healthier consumers to sign up to offset costs from older policyholders. As much as the Affordable Care Act has seen a considerable growth in the number of uninsured people who have been signing up for health insurance through the exchange websites, there is one considerable area of struggle that it has been facing in terms of sign-ups: young adults. This problem isn’t a minor one, as the ACA had been relying on healthy people to offset the expenses of the sick. As young…

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Texas health insurance exchange continues to build enrollees

Texas health Insurance companies

In the second last week of December, the number of people who signed up in the state rose by 56,000. Texans have recently started to flock to the Texas health insurance exchange and have been signing up for plans that will allow them to comply with the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, raising the numbers by a massive 56,000 people within the second last week of December alone. The total number of people who have enrolled in the state has reached just short of 1.1 million. These figures were released…

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