The rate of employees receiving coverage through their employers is starting to even out.
According to the results of a survey that were released on Friday, less than half of American adults were taking part in a health insurance plan through their employers last year.
The survey showed that the market is now indicating that it is stabilizing after a period of solid decline.
Though workers haven’t reached the point where even half of them are able to receive their health insurance coverage through their employers, after three solid years of steady declines in that rate, the Gallup poll has now indicated that this trend is leveling off. It showed that there was a drop of about four percent from 2009 through 2012.
The latest statistics indicate that 45 percent of workers have health insurance through their employers.
This figure has dropped from 49 percent, which was the rate of employer sponsored health insurance in 2009. The recession was blamed for this sudden plummeting coverage rate, as the slide began immediately after the start of the economic downturn in 2008. The most significant losses were felt by those who earn under $90,000, as well as among those in minority populations.
The Gallup data from 2012 showed that there was very little difference in the rate of health insurance through employers from 2011, which is the time that the economic recovery started to build momentum. At the same time, over the full five years from 2008 through 2012, it was found that the number of adult Americans who were enrolled in coverage that was sponsored by the government – such as Medicaid, Medicare and programs for veterans – shot up to 25 percent, after having started at 23 percent in 2008.
The survey results help to provide important insight into the health insurance coverage that is being received by workers across the country as individuals and businesses now take their first major steps toward adherence to the various elements of the healthcare reforms implemented by President Obama. By 2014, it is believed that these changes could extend coverage to an additional 38 million people.