Flood insurance policy ownership plummets in California

flood insurance policies

Due to the ongoing droughts, Californians just don’t see the reason to pay for this coverage. As both state and local officials have now been saying that the droughts that California has been facing may, in fact, be a “new normal” for the state, flood insurance ownership has fallen by 12 percent. An estimated 30,000 insurance policies have been cancelled as they are no longer viewed as worth the price. The decrease by 12 percent has happened from 2012 until now. The reason is that the reduction in rainfall and…

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Insurance costs force the cancellation of Battle of Britain fly-past

spitfire plane insurance costs

The Shoreham crash has caused the premiums for these performances to spike, making this one cost prohibitive. The prohibitive insurance costs associated with covering a fly-past of 20 spitfires for a commemorative ceremony of the Battle of Britain have cancelled this portion of the event. The reason is that the premiums have spiked dramatically following the crash at the Shoreham Airshow. That disaster occurred in August and killed 11 people. Now, it has led the insurance costs associated with air shows to increase to the point that they may no…

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Expansion of health insurance coverage has been a boon for those with chronic illnesses

research health insurance chronic illness

Study shows that health insurance coverage has grown significantly in the US The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has released a new study that shows that the expansion of health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act has had major benefits for those with chronic medical issues. The study suggests that those with chronic issues, such as high cholesterol and diabetes, are more likely to be properly diagnosed. By comparison, uninsured people that seek out medical services for their chronic conditions are unlikely to receive a proper diagnosis.…

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Mental health insurance helps people to receive depression diagnoses

mental health insurance

People who have private coverage are more likely to receive a diagnosis of the condition than the uninsured. The results of the latest National Health and wellness Survey that was conducted by Kantar Health have now been released and they have revealed that when people have private mental health insurance coverage, they are more likely to receive a diagnosis of depression than is the case among people who have publicly assisted or provided plans. The survey showed that the difference in the diagnosis rate between these two groups is considerable.…

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Cyber insurance continues to grow in importance

Cyber Insurance Coverage

Start-ups are beginning to see the greater importance of cyber protection Cyber insurance is becoming a very important priority for entrepreneurs, especially those invested in the digital market. Data is a major asset of many companies that operate online and this data can be associated with a wide range of information concerning customers or a business’ operations. For start-ups, protecting this data is becoming more important and cyber insurance is becoming an ideal way to mitigate the impact of malicious attacks that would steal this information. Data is a very…

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