releases survey showing where in the U.S. auto insurance is most expensive

Car insurance rates vary wildly from state to state. This is often due to differing regulations throughout the U.S. It is also because driving in some states is more dangerous than driving in others., an online insurance quote system, has conducted a survey to determine where auto insurance is most expensive in the country. The survey has ranked each state in terms of insurance premiums and the availability of affordable plans, using 900 insurance models as a benchmark. The survey found that Louisiana, Oklahoma and Michigan are the leaders…

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Petplan pet insurance reports larger numbers for both cancer treatment claims and costs

Though it may not be rare for chemotherapy, radiation, and other cancer therapies to exist in hospitals meant for humans.. these treatments are also becoming increasingly common among veterinary hospitals, increasing the number of claims made for them, and boosting the costs associated with them. Americans are increasingly thinking of their pets more as family members than simply animal possessions, and this is leading to a trend toward treating conditions that would, at one time, have once been a death sentence for the dog or cat. Petplan pet insurance has…

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Report highlights the potential dangers of rising sea levels

A new report from the non-profit research organization Climate Central suggests that millions of U.S. citizens are at risk of coastal flooding. The report posits that changes in the climate will result in storm surges and rising sea levels. Rising water could put nearly 5 million Americans at danger of floods by 2030. The report indicates that by 2050, flooding caused by rising sea levels will be much more widespread. This could cause serious problems for the insurance industry that has been battling a higher frequency of natural disasters over…

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Supreme Court to begin litigation on Affordable Care Act this month

This month, the U.S. Supreme Court will begin litigation on the controversial Affordable Care Act. The federal law seeks to radically change the structure of the country’s health care industry and introduces new insurance regulations that are aimed at benefiting consumers. The Act was signed into law in 2010 and has since been a point of contention for political leaders and legislators throughout the U.S. Many states have backed the Affordable Care Act, but others have filed lawsuits against the federal government, accusing the law of being unconstitutional. The Supreme…

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Health insurance analysis suggests that insurance may be completely unaffordable by 2031

Two leading medical professionals have published a new analysis of the future of health insurance in the latest issue of Annals of Family Medicine. Richard A. Young and Jennifer E. Devoe have taken a look at the Affordable Care Act and how it will affect the health insurance industry from when it is fully enacted in 2014 to the state of the industry in 2037. The study assumes that the federal health care law is successful in its goal of lowering health insurance premiums. Despite this supposed success, the study…

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