More homeowners insurance policies being removed from Citizens

Florida Homeowners Insurance

Florida regulators approve further depopulation efforts Florida insurance regulators have approved yet another initiative from the state’s Citizens Property Insurance organization to shed policies. The state-run insurer has been working to depopulate itself of homeowners insurance policies for the past few years in order to resolve ongoing financial issues. The endeavor has proven quite successful, as the insurer recently announced that it now has some $7 billion in reserve capital. The initiative has caused some concern among consumers, however, whose policies are being taken up by private companies. 151,000 policies…

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Health insurance rate review in Florida may soon be suspended

Florida Health Insurance Rates

Proposal aims to address concerns regarding health insurance rate review Worries are high throughout the U.S. concerning the possibility of rising health insurance rates due to the Affordable Care Act. Throughout the country, several large insurance companies have warned that rates will grow exponentially next year, as the federal health care law becomes fully implemented. In Florida, these ominous warnings are being taken to heart, and lawmakers are now looking to the federal government for more direction concerning how to mitigate the potential rise in health insurance rates. Lawmakers back…

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