Life insurance lacking among middle aged Americans

Life Insurance Payment

Recent research has shown that the struggling economy is holding many back from coverage. According to a recent study, millions of middle aged Americans are choosing not to obtain life insurance as a result of the shaky economy in the country that is creating a lack of stability in their own personal financial situations. Research has indicated that the average American’s savings is sitting at a mere $3,000. Beyond the lack of savings, the economic uncertainty has indicated that an even larger number of people are finding themselves in a…

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Life insurance industry in India to rise by 15 percent by 2018

india flag insurance industry

Recent estimates have shown that the sector is strong in the country and that it will see steady growth. The latest estimates from the life insurance sector of the industry in India has indicated that there will not only be increases in size over the next five years, but that it will be up to 15 percent compounded annual growth. There are many reasons for this high growth rate, but it is especially credited to two main ones. These two main factors that are sending the life insurance industry upward…

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Life insurance study shows satisfied claimants

life insurance customer satisfaction

The results of a recent study have revealed that 95 percent of the people who have made claims are satisfied. According to the outcome of a recent LIMRA survey, additional services offered by life insurance companies, such as coverage coordination and grief counseling are generating a larger amount of business, boosting recommendations, and are enhancing the positive perception of claimants. The study showed that among the beneficiaries of the policies, the vast majority are quite satisfied with the experience. The LIMRA research indicated that 95 percent of life insurance beneficiaries…

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Life insurance being used by parents for their kids’ student debt

health insurance for student

The overwhelming amounts that are owed are leading to some unique protection strategies. A life insurance trend has been building over the last short while that has parents taking out policies on their children in order to protect themselves against the overwhelming student debt that they carry. Many parents co-sign on student loans, leaving them at a considerable risk if their children should die prematurely. It is becoming increasingly common for parents to protect themselves from the debts of their children’s educations by purchasing life insurance policies following their graduation…

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Life insurance is vastly misunderstood among American consumers

life insurance test

LIMRA has reported that 70 percent of people in the U.S. don’t understand the coverage. In the United States, ownership of life insurance has reached a historical low and a recent LIMRA study has suggested that it is likely because Americans don’t understand why it is needed or how the products in that sector actually work. The global consulting and research organization determined that there is a lack of understanding and knowledge. In order to come up with this claim, LIMRA applied a type of IQ test for life insurance…

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Life insurance study reveals perceived value of the coverage

Auto Insurance survey

Americans think highly of the benefits, but feel that there is notable room for improvement. A recent survey has shown that American workers place a high value on the benefits they can receive from life insurance, but that there is a great deal of room to improve the way that the system and coverage works. This workplace benefits study was performed by an insurer in the industry. The Guardian Workplace Benefits Study was conducted by Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America. It is meant to identify the value that workers…

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